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No matter how modern the young generation is, some issues still have relevance. Vastu Shastra is an example of one such issue. It doesn't really matter how trendy or hip it is, the fact remains that our ancestors passed this practice on to us.

Vastu Shastra, a Hindu tradition, is built on directional alignments. This technique is used in Hindu architecture, especially for Hindu temples. It can be used in poetry, sculpture, and many other areas. This principle states that buildings should be built so that residents can easily access the elements of nature Vastu For Flats.

Vastu is a term that denotes prestige in the modern world. Every home should follow Vastu, a highly respected and highly valued principle. It is believed that only homes with the right Vastu will prosper and enjoy happiness without any problems. What is the right Vastu? This is a difficult question to answer. Science is full of contradictory beliefs. Every ethnic group has its own belief system and approach to science. It can be difficult to determine if these beliefs are right or wrong.

Vastu Shastra is, at its core, a science of direction. It balances all five elements of nature against man and material. It creates a subtle, conducive environment that encourages us to be our best selves. This will lead to increased happiness, wealth, prosperity and health in an environment that is more enlightened. If our environment is clean and unpolluted, it will reflect positively on our health. Vastu emphasizes the importance of clean air, sunshine, water, and pure water.

It is not what Wikipedia says or any other source that matters. It is what you believe and how positive you are inside yourself that matters. You should find the right place for you.


This science is all by itself. It can bring joy to the whole world. All the benefits are yours. Happiness is possible through rightful living, financial security and the fulfillment of your dreams. All of these are possible in this world Vastu Consultant Near Me.

Vaastu is an ancient Indian science that teaches how to build manmade structures. It is part of the Vedas. It is the earth in Sanskrit. In modern contexts, it can be used to mean all constructions. Vaastu is the order of the built environment according to the cosmic energies. These guidelines were believed to be the best for building a home. This was done to ensure happiness, peace, and health. This guideline will show you how to avoid diseases, depression and other catastrophes by living in structures that enable the positive cosmic field Vastu Online / Vastu Consultant .

A Horoscope shows you the layout of your workplace or home. Vaastu science claims that Astrology cannot be used to control the evil planets. However, it can help us configure the Earth to our requirements. This will guarantee that we achieve the best results.

Vaastu Shastra or Vaastu Science, is believed contain the guidance of the Supreme Being.

The principles of wonder science were described in ancient Hindu scriptures. This science posits that the earth is a living organism. All particles in space and on earth have 'live energy'.

Vaastu shastra says that the principles of creation are governed by five elements: Earth, Fire, Water and Air. These forces can work in harmony or conflict to create discord. The planets are also believed to influence all things on Earth in some way or another. Each planet has its own direction. Therefore, our dwellings are under the influence of the nine planets as well as the five elements.

You should design your house so that the positive energy outweighs the negative. This will increase bio-energy. This will help you and your family lead a happy, healthy life. Positive cosmic fields will prevail if the house is built according the principles. This will create a favorable environment for peaceful and happy living. This is against what the principle says. Negative forces in the home can overpower the positive and lead to negative thoughts, actions, and even negative thinking. Vaastu can be used to create a positive home environment.

Vaastu is the science of studying earth's diseases. It is clearly related to genopathy. Genopathy recognizes that the earth is constantly exposed to electromagnetic radiations from cosmic origin. Radiation distortions may render a site inaccessible for construction. Geopathic stress can also damage the immune system and cause other health problems.

Vaastu is similar to Feng Shui in China. Both positive and negative forces (Yin & Yang) are recognized by them. However, the latter attaches too much importance to gadgets such as mirrors and flutes. Fend Shui's nine year cycle can cause problems by shifting from one place to the next. This is why Vaastu has been rapidly growing in popularity both in India and other countries.

Is this wonder-art logical? Vaastu is a belief that many people still believe strongly. There is agreement that Vaastu is an ancient science. It was useful in ancient times. Vaastu’s modern theory has many benefits and is now being spread across the West.


Sweet Home

Each part of the house has an impact on the wealth.

Front Door: The main source of energy is through the Main Door Vastu. To attract good energy, it is important to have a clear and unobstructed entryway. It should be connected to all other rooms in the house to allow the prana energy that enters through it to reach every corner.

Windows:-Windows help to maintain a steady flow of energy in the house. Windows, unlike doors, can be left open more frequently and could form the critical link to the outside environment.

Dining Room: This is the area where the guests eat the food that has been prepared in the kitchen. It should be located in a peaceful and pleasant area. It should not be near the main entrance. You should not eat near the toilet.

The southeast sector's center of health is the kitchen. Stoves should not be placed too close to the sink. Stove is a symbol of wealth, so it should not be too close to the sink.

Toilets: Toilets are areas from which outflows are made from the house. Toilets can also be a source of energy pollution if they are not properly maintained. Badly designed bathrooms can lead to a significant loss of wealth as water is associated with wealth.

Bedroom: Bedroom is the most important place in our lives that affects our prosperity. It is where we spend almost one third of our lives. Your energy type should determine the bedroom you choose, such as Vata (air), Pitta(Fire), or Kapha (Phlegm). The bedroom should have one entrance. The walls should not be touched by the bed. The room should be kept clean in the centre. The ceiling of the bedroom shouldn't b

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