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  • vancelucas234

Vastu Tips For Wealth And Health

Sweet Home

Each part of the house has an impact on the wealth.

Front Door: The main source of energy is through the Main Door Vastu. To attract good energy, it is important to have a clear and unobstructed entryway. It should be connected to all other rooms in the house to allow the prana energy that enters through it to reach every corner.

Windows:-Windows help to maintain a steady flow of energy in the house. Windows, unlike doors, can be left open more frequently and could form the critical link to the outside environment.

Dining Room: This is the area where the guests eat the food that has been prepared in the kitchen. It should be located in a peaceful and pleasant area. It should not be near the main entrance. You should not eat near the toilet.

The southeast sector's center of health is the kitchen. Stoves should not be placed too close to the sink. Stove is a symbol of wealth, so it should not be too close to the sink.

Toilets: Toilets are areas from which outflows are made from the house. Toilets can also be a source of energy pollution if they are not properly maintained. Badly designed bathrooms can lead to a significant loss of wealth as water is associated with wealth.

Bedroom: Bedroom is the most important place in our lives that affects our prosperity. It is where we spend almost one third of our lives. Your energy type should determine the bedroom you choose, such as Vata (air), Pitta(Fire), or Kapha (Phlegm). The bedroom should have one entrance. The walls should not be touched by the bed. The room should be kept clean in the centre. The ceiling of the bedroom shouldn't b

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